Sunday, September 25, 2011

What an update

Before I get to the big news, first I have to share some cool pictures from the LA Kings training camp last week.

So cool.

Well this week definitely brought about a lot of change. To begin, out of boredom, I decided to audition for a talent agency. I went in, read a few lines, and ended up getting represented by the company the next day! They sent me to get some head shots, then brought me back to the office to give me some work. So yesterday I worked as an extra for one of those terrible spoof movies that comes out every year. Probably the easiest money I've ever made, and I made a lot of new friends. It was definitely a cool experience, and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

The same day that I got the work as an extra, I got the best phone call I've had in a long time. Thanks to my friend Mike, I will finally be working as a Production Assistant as of tomorrow! I'll be putting in long hours for a company called RelativityREAL. They're the new Reality TV division of Relativity Media, which is one of the biggest production companies in the world. They've done a ton of movies, including Cowboys & Aliens, The Social Network, Couples Retreat, Zombieland, and Bridesmaids. Needless to say, I'm beyond excited. And after talking to the casting agency, it looks like I'll be able to keep doing some extras work on the weekends here and there.

So yes, things are coming together and it feels amazing! I can't thank everybody enough for helping me out along the way. Without my family there's no way I would've made it out here and had the chance to live out my dream. Everyone has been so supportive, and it means the world to me. Also, a big thanks to Troy, Lisa, and Mike for making me feel so welcome in a strange place, and bending over backwards to help me.

It's going to be exciting over the next few weeks, and I'll be sure to blog about it all!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Well the countdown is on. On October 6th, the NHL regular season begins, as does my obsession with the Penguins. Anyone that knows me and my love for the sport is fully aware of how excited I am. So I just have to say for the first time.. LETS GO PENS!

This also makes me really anxious to get some skates and get back out on the ice. Hockey gear is pretty far down my list of things to purchase out here. So for the time being I'll have to look forward to December, and getting out on the ice with Vince in Harrisburg, where we can fully humiliate ourselves yet again.

This last week or so has been pretty uneventful. I worked at a seminar near LAX for a few days to make some extra cash. Easy, but tiring work.

Afterwards I got pretty sick for a few days, and was forced to stay inside for a few days. I didn't feel 100% until yesterday, so now I'm ready to get back out on the bike and head down to the beach and catch up on some swimming.

The other day Hal and I were out walking to the store when we saw these two animals walking very cautiously around sunset. We thought they were dogs, but as we got closer we thought that maybe they were coyotes. Weird, we're a few miles from any sort of wooded area. For now I'm going to assume they're Chupicabras.

That's it for now!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

And fall begins

It's cooling off here in SoCal and, unless the sun is out, it's usually in the 60's or 70's. It's starting to remind me of fall back home. The only difference is there will be no changing of the seasons in the months to come. Instead of leaves changing and eventual snow fall, I'll be enjoying... Well, this kind of weather until it starts to get hot again... And yes, I've made peace with this. No winter is fine by me!

For some reason my last post cut me off short before I could finish making fun of Taio Cruz. Oh well. Going back to last weekend, I enjoyed some body surfing with Brittany on a nice sunny day. The waves are so much bigger on the west coast, I love it! It makes me want to learn how to surf.

Then Sunday was the VMAs! It was an awesome day to say the least. I showed up way early, checked in, and then had to wait, and wait, and wait some more. I remember waiting forever in NYC too, but it was in an air conditioned building. This was outside, in the sun, downtown where it's not nice and cool like the South Bay. It was brutal, but so worth it. I waited for a few hours, then they guaranteed us that we would be caught by the metal detectors if we brought our cell phones, and not allowed in. So sadly, I couldn't get any pictures from the inside.

My only picture is of my admission wrist band, how lame?

Once I was inside, I positioned myself right in between the two stages, and about ten feet IN FRONT of all the celebrities that occupied the first few rows. It was definitely a strange feeling to see all the biggest stars in the world staring directly in your general direction for a few hours straight. But oh, so cool. Before long the show was underway, and although it was pretty bizarre, it was a lot of fun.

I spotted myself a few times in videos on you tube. That's me on the left clapping my hands above my head.

As far as interaction with celebrities go.. I had a very long, awkward stare down with Lady Gaga (made even more strange by the fact that she was dressed in drag), and I shook Kanye West's hand.. Then high fived him again a few minutes later.. I know.. Kanye West of all people.

After the show I had a ton of messages from people saying they saw me a lot. Troy and Lisa recorded it for me, so I'll eventually get to check it out within a few days. Even though I don't like a lot of the music, and just flat out don't understand some of it, it was still a lot of fun!

Other than that, it's been a pretty average week. I've spent a lot of time at the library instead of Starbucks (You can rent movies for free, so why not!?). I've been told that in the near future Hal and I will probably the only ones living in our building. So there'll be three open apartments right next to us (Hint hint to all my friends).

And Biff made a new friend! It's a really nice picture, if you ignore all the urine on the wall behind them.

And that's my life for now!